Search for 'artifact-id:clj*'
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Total results: 2624, showing 217 - 240
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
ClojureScript interface to the Pikaday JS date picker
Generate new projects based on clj, Boot, or Leiningen Templates!
Clojure wrapper for Apache DBCP to create JDBC connection pools.
clj-http and ring middlewares for OAuth 2.0
Clojure wrapper for jsendnsca - Send passive Nagios checks from Clojure.
A fix for an issue with clojure.lang.Reflector in GraalVM native-image JDK11.
A ClojureScript library for asynchronous programming based on JavaScript promises.
CLJS Wrappers for react-navigation
JUnit wrapper for Clojure test code
A ClojureScript wrapper around Reacts Test Utilities
A ring middleware to sign AWS requests.
Clojure library for JSON Web Token(JWT)
Static Clojure code rewriting
Library to parse property list (.plist) files
Clojure wrapper for the CoffeeScript compiler.
Simple XML Schema validation library for Clojure
Quickly locate files with glob patterns
Library for custom log formatting and other helpers leveraging Timbre
Fully fledged Bugsnag client. Supports ex-data and ring middleware.