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Total results: 873, showing 217 - 240
Template for new misaki compiler.
My own configuration for web projects.
leiningen template project for vertx
Creates web project templates of different flavors: Om, ClojureScript (+ nREPL), Compojure, Hiccup, Ring, etc.
A lein template for building node-webkit app out-of-box with mocha testing
Leinigen template for creating native cli apps
Support library for the Crafty template.
A Bridg customized template for a component-based web application.
A template to generate a yo-yo webapp project
Project template for using with causeway
A simple starter template for minicosm projects
A general purpose template library for Clojure
Lein template to generate Morse project
A Clojure implementation of the Liquid template engine.
A cljx, cljsbuild, figwheel and reagent lein template. Stop fighting with project.clj!
Lein template to quickly build an app in Quintype
Template for clojure projects with nightlight.
DEPRECATED: Leiningen template for Figwheel on nREPL and Node.js
A Leiningen 2.x template for new ClojureWerkz projects
clj-new / shadow-cljs template for basic re-frame SPA project