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Total results: 4747, showing 337 - 360
HoneySQL view implementation for views
A UI plugin for Fulcro RAD that renders to web/electron using Semantic UI CSS
A ClojureScript port of the chai assertion library
@sentry/browser: JavaScript client for Sentry
Infer the shape of data and optionally produce a schema from it
Fxs and CoFxs for re-frame
Ant Design Reagent Wrapper - Optimised for shadow-cljs
A clojure wrapper library around Java wiremock library
Leiningen plugin that checks that order of namespace declarations for Clojure files
a simple way to visualize graphs
Ring-Accept-language provides a middleware that parses the Accept-language request header and injects the value into the request hash.
Maven wagon for S3 with support for Leiningen, the Clojure build tool.
WAI-ARIA compliant React autosuggest component
Leiningen template for a Reagent web app that implements the re-frame pattern.
A kickass library used to manage poppers in web applications
A Clojure wrapper for the Java MongoDB driver 3.11/4.0+.
A library for building CLJC statechart machines.
Clojure bindings for
Minimalistic JSON schema validator with $ref support.
A clojure library for interating with Rally's webservice API.
Simply usable CORS middlware/interceptor