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Total results: 7763, showing 385 - 408
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Clojure-protobuf provides a clojure interface to Google's protocol buffers.
The missing string manipulation library for clojure
Common library for all google cloud clojure wrappers
Clojure wrapper for google-cloud-storage Java client
Stripe API client in Clojure
Tools for annotating clojure functions with new relic
Simple, durable Clojure queuing library
Cryptographic hashing facilities (pbkdf2/bcrypt/scrypt/argon2) for Clojure
JSON Path for Clojure data structures
Embedded postgres for clojure
simple environment variable based config for clojure apps
Clojure library for load testing
Distributed, masterless, high performance, fault tolerant data processing for Clojure
Apache Commons Exec wrapper for Clojure
The WebSocket Application Messaging Protocol for Clojure
A Swing Clojure REPL using BeanShell's JConsole
Clojure Kafka client with support for Kafka producer, consumer, rebalancing, administration, and validation.
Easily add log4j2 into your clojure project
Lightweight Clojure bindings for Kafka
Application state management made simple: a Clojure map that implements
A Scala interop library for Clojure
Active Clojure: Various Clojure utilities in use at Active Group
Clojure client for DataDog service via statsd protocol