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Total results: 4747, showing 505 - 528
Yet another implementation of Mustache in Clojure.
The open source javascript graphing library that powers plotly
ClojureScript interface to the Pikaday JS date picker
A React based set of Color Pickers and components
A re-frame effects handler for performing Google Analytics tasks
Inline styles in JS with React and React Native support
Inline svgs for ClojureScript / Reagent / Hiccup
Easy AWS Lambda integration.
Simplify reflection of annotations on Java types.
CLJS Wrappers for react-navigation
Leiningen plugin to create a cheatsheet for your Clojure project <3
Utility 'tool belt' of functions for common tasks; trees; clustering; probability, stats, and information theory;
General file system utiltity functions
auth0.js is a UI-less client-side library for Auth0
A Clojurescript MVC-like Framework For Writing SPAs Using Reagent.
httpkit implementation for martian
Gluing together metrics-clojure and jvm instrumentation.
A simple wrapper for R's ggplot2 in Clojure and Gorilla REPL.
a library for managing environment settings from different sources
Various things gluing together metrics-clojure and ring.