Search for 'description:useful'
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Total results: 142, showing 49 - 72
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
A bunch of useful functions
Some useful data structures for Clojure and Clojurescript
collection of useful hooks for shadow-cljs
Clojure functions that are general-purpose enough to be useful elsewhere but haven't found a home in a nice library yet.
A simple wrapper for properties files with useful hierarchical keys based property-maps
Useful clojure stuff I use.
Some utils, that are useful sometimes.
Sample project with a few useful dependencies used just to run `lein repl` and do clojure experiments.
A small library of useful predicate functions missing in the core Clojure library
Useful simple tools to be used for pedestal APIs
Common useful functions needed in different projects.
This artifact may shadow a release on Maven Central. You should
search there for a canonical release.
Output useful information from stack backtraces.
A collection of Leiningen plugins for doing all sorts of useful things
Collection of useful functions: util, logging, metrics, monitoring.
Utility functions only useful within a WildFly container.
Useful CLI audio tagger utility/library wrap on top of jaudiotagger and claudio library
Useful functions for interfacing Clojure to Swing
One billion useful Clojure functions.
Useful things on top of core.async
Simple help macro to regroup contrib functions useful
for interactive development.
Semantic is a UI component framework based around useful principles from natural language.