Search for 'pedestal'
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Total results: 117, showing 49 - 72
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
A template for a component-based pedestal API with swagger.
Utility functions for Pedestal
Express dependencies for Pedestal interceptors
Useful simple tools to be used for pedestal APIs
A CQRS implementation built on Pedestal
Pedestal webapp service for Up.
Visualize application state for Pedestal.
Simple controller mechanism for Pedestal applications
Vase: Pedestal API Container
Interceptor chain provider for Datomic ions
Leiningen template for a Pedestal project hosted in Immutant
Embedded Jetty adapter for Pedestal HTTP Service
Pedestal infrastructure supporting Lacinia GraphQL
Clojure template. Pedestal + system component + re-frame
Pedestal With A Spoonful of Honey
Pedestal shiro integration
Use io.pedestal.test/response-for as a com.wsscode.pathom.diplomat.http/driver
Reitit + Pedestal Integration
Vase: Pedestal API Container
Embedded Jetty adapter for Pedestal HTTP Service
a secret door to your Pedestal application