Search for 'artifact-id:clj*'
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Total results: 2625, showing 1201 - 1224
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
An implementation of Pingback for clojure
Clojure Amazon S3 library.
Clojure library for the Hazelcast p2p cluster
Multi-armed bandit algorithms
ClojureScript bindings for AppleTV's TVML and TVJS
An small library for accessing Google Cloud Storage
Clojure library for Google Maps
clj-http and ring middlewares for OAuth 2.0
Easily run Apache Ant tasks in clojure.
Clojure wrapper for Spark.
Clojure wrapper for JTwig (Java 6 dependencies)
A little library for interacting with gists.
A fast and lightweight clojure http client constructed on top of OkHttp.
A clojure helper library for webjars
simple spymemcached wrapper
A small lib for adding todo annotations to Clojure projects.
A Clojure library for parsing and processing Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup data.
Clojure library for api
Clojure library for Weather Underground API client and command line tool
clojure lib to interact with gcp