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Total results: 4747, showing 1225 - 1248
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Reusable UI components for Reagent
A Clojure library designed to consume a RavenDB HTTP API.
Structural scraping for the rest of us.
React component that renders Input with debounced onChange
An open source document database with bitemporal graph queries
re-frame bindings for martian
concise, expressive stream analysis
Clerk and Reagent viewers for the Emmy computer algebra system.
a framework for asynchronous communication
OAuth 2.0 client middleware for Ring
Ring middleware to prevent CSRF attacks
clj-new template for Fulcro applications
Use git for project versions
a compatibility layer for event-driven abstractions
Ring Handlers for exposing GraphQL Web Tools.
A library which provides undo/redo facility for re-frame
A simple and idiomatic Clojure facade around the Mesos JAVA API
A re-frame effects handler for performing Google Analytics tasks
A completely customizable framework for building rich text editors.
Transformations between Alumbra and JavaScript GraphQL ASTs.
a general Algebraic Expression manipulation library in clojure
Muotti is a graph based value transformer library which aims to solve value transformation by utilizing
a digraph of known transformations to produce a transformer chain which is then used to perform the
actual transformation.