Search for 'artifact-id:clj*'
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Total results: 2625, showing 1369 - 1392
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Clojure API for Selenium-WebDriver
SOAP Client and Server using Apache Axis2.
Simple Esper wrapper for Clojure
extra functions extending core.async
cljs access to javascript crypto random numbers
Hazelcast support for clj-cache
Provides programmatic configuration using Clojure of OpenTelemetry Jaeger Thrift exporter
Clojure Amazon S3 library.
spatial search using quadtree
Clojure Lexrank implementation
Provides programmatic configuration using Clojure of OpenTelemetry Zipkin exporter
various clojure utility functions
SSDP utilities for clojure
A clojure wrapper of Stanford NLP packages for Simplified Chinese users
This is an small Clojure binding for the Yelp APIs.
A Clojure wrapper around the MarkdownJ library.
A thin wraper of java.awt.print for clojure.
Smalltalk-like namespace/class/var/function browser for Clojure.