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Total results: 4743, showing 121 - 144
Kafka clojure client library
Generate and process graphs of dependencies
Dependency-based builds, Clojure Style, with optional Ant underneath.
Clojure Wrapper around Jansi.
Helpers for Clojure core.async.
A Leiningen plugin to watch directories and run tasks automatically.
Reagent wrapper for Highlight.js
Mocking and forking Datomic connections locally.
Easy configuration for Clojure apps
A GraphQL parser for Clojure using ANTLR4.
A better "prn" for debugging
A lite version of clj-http that uses the jre's HttpURLConnection
A commons.clojure.core to :use everywhere
A set of helper functions for projects used in Proto REPL
Generate short unique ids from integers
Collection of general utils for Clojure and Clojurescript.
Effortless animation between DOM changes (eg. list reordering) using the FLIP technique.
Client routing for Swagger APIs
Ring middleware for session timeouts
Clojure library for html compressing
A Leiningen plugin for resolving Clojure(Script) dependencies from a Git repository
Clojure functions to drive the OpenAI API
Clojure wrapper for Java 8 Time API
hato implementation for martian