Search for 'artifact-id:clj*'
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Total results: 2625, showing 1537 - 1560
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
A client for Quiqup API based on clj-http.client
Clojure wrapper around Interactive Brokers' api
wrap-js wrapper for jquery-spark-line 1.6
ClojurePHP library for MySQL
Unified proxy for complex clojure web library
Machine Learning library for Clojure built around Weka and friends
Clojure client for Loganis Query Script API
cljs test runner, using slimerjs
Clojure Bindings for OpenAI's gym-http-api server
A Clojure library for timeless dates.
An iteration macro inspired by Common Lisp Iterate.
Implementation of TinkerPop Gremlin 3.x
Machine Learning library for Clojure built around Weka and friends
Clojure port of github Scientist library
A Clojure wrapper for LIBLINEAR, a linear support vector machine library.
functional html template engine
Clojurescript library for interacting with Firebase
Pingpp bindings for Clojure.
Nested data structure querying and updating
Clojure Amazon S3 library.
MtGox (unofficial) api library
A Clojure(Script) library designed to validate European VAT code