Search for 'clojure'

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Total results: 7763, showing 1537 - 1560

  • control 0.4.1

    A clojure DSL for system admin and deployment with many remote machines
  • loco 0.3.1

    Constraint Programming for Clojure

  • A library for parsing and optionally applying parinfer(ish) to Clojure code

  • Bluecollar: a simple yet full featured distributed background processing solution written in Clojure.

  • clojure wrapper for opencsv

  • A simple and idiomatic Clojure facade around the Mesos JAVA API

  • Parser Combinators for Clojure data
  • clarango 0.7.1

    A Clojure client for the HTTP API of ArangoDB
  • edna 1.6.0

    A Clojure data -> music library

  • Clojure bindings and exploration of the tvm library
  • expresso 0.2.4

    a general Algebraic Expression manipulation library in clojure
  • clj-socketio-client 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT

    Clojure wrapper for io.socket/
  • test.tree 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT

    A testNG like test harness for clojure

  • A library for finding Clojure namespaces on the classpath.

  • Mustache in Clojure
  • clj-sendy 0.2.1

    Thin Clojure layer on top of Sendy

  • Clojure DynamoDB client
  • dtolpin/gorilla-repl 0.4.1-SNAPSHOT

    A rich REPL for Clojure in the notebook style.

  • Clojure logging & profiling library

  • FIXME: write description

  • Microservice architecture for Clojure

  • A Clojure implementation of message queue that is based on datomic.
  • funcool/rxhttp 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

    A stream based http client for Clojure and ClojureScript

  • A Clojure client for Apache Cassandra