Search for 'licenses:mit'
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Total results: 4747, showing 1561 - 1584
A Leiningen plugin for running tasks against multiple dependency sets.
Swiss-army-knife of utility functions
A date and time library for javascript
A form component and form validation library/API for re-frame.
Utilities for working with clojure.spec.
Clojure language implementation of ua-parser
A re-usable easy interface JavaScript chart library, based on D3 v4+
Run clojure spec tests from clojure test.
Upload an uberjar to s3 as a release task
Maven Version Utilities for Clojure
Check your Projects for outdated Dependencies.
asynchronous facade for mesomatic
A simple zero-configuration command-line HTTP files server that scales
Beamly config library, wrapping Typesafe config
Generates a simple ring application for serving an Alexa skill
Elegant and Efficient remote data access for Clojure(Script)
Faithful (Bib)TeX manipulation
This package contains a free, open source implementation of
various heap data structures, including a binary, binomial, pairing,leftist,
skew, and Fibonacci flavors by Fran Lattanzio
Lazily render reagent tables and lists