Search for 'clojure'

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Total results: 7763, showing 1681 - 1704

  • A clojure library designed to mix musical synthesis via Overtone and dynamic visuals a la

  • An interactive tracing facility for Clojure

  • Debugging tool for tracking arguments passed to Clojure functions

  • Tiny Sentry Interface for Clojure

  • kd-trees for Clojure

  • Clojure library for attempting to guess file types.
  • clj-debug 0.7.6

    Library for debugging Clojure programms with support for tracing, timing and inspection.

  • A library (and application examples) of stochastic discrete-time Markov Chains (DTMC) in Clojure
  • clj-lmdb 0.2.4

    Clojure bindings for lmdb
  • liwp/again 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT

    A Clojure library for retrying operations.

  • A Clojure library designed to connect redis by sentinel, make carmine to support sentinel.

  • Quarzite is a thin Clojure layer on top the Quartz Scheduler

  • Clojure to Java Interop Bindings for java.sql
  • panzee 0.1.0

    Clojure wrapper for the MailChimp v2.0 API

  • Make websites with clojure the easy way

  • Thin Clojure wrapper around MaxMind GeoIP2 for IP geolocalization
  • clj-parse 0.4.4-SNAPSHOT

    A library for parsing Clojure symbols in Clojure.
  • szew/h2 0.4.0

    Clojure wrapper for H2 database.
  • eleos/longship 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

    Erlang/OTP tools for Clojure
  • clash 1.5.3

    A clojure library that applies customizable structures to text files and quick analysis via filter groups, maps, etc. This is useful for quickly searchin or indexing large text files before spending proportionally more effort on Hadoop or Spark.
  • gigaword 3.1.0

    Gigaword Clojure API.

  • Punk JVM Clojure application adapter
  • org.jaunt-lang/jaunt 1.9.0-master-SNAPSHOT

    arrdem flavored Clojure

  • Easy clojure websites