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Total results: 4748, showing 1729 - 1752
A library for working with RFID devices.
Connect to a postgres-database and wait for a NOTIFY event to trigger a function
Carry middleware for model validation using Schema.
The protocol for custom rendering in gorilla REPL.
System resource library with automatic dependency resolution
Crinkle is a ReactJS v16.8+ wrapper for ClojureScript
Schema validation and transformation, using simple functions.
Support functions for other logicblocks components.
Clojure wrap for TelnetClient
Pedestal interface for AWS SQS.
A Ring's middleware that adds a version into HTTP X-Version header
Runtime library for Gaeshi, a Clojure framework for Google App Engine apps.
Yet Another Web Template. An opinionated Leiningen template to generate a base project for building Clojure web applications.
A clj-http middleware to prevent SSRF attacks
Flower utilities for integation with Emacs
Gluing together metrics-clojure and jvm instrumentation.
An opinionated Clojure/Ring library designed for authentication and authorization in web services.
A Library to parse natural language in pure Clojure and ClojureScript