Search for 'licenses:mit'
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Total results: 4748, showing 1753 - 1776
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Dalap is an extremely flexible tree-walking /
tree-transformation library for Clojure and Clojurescript. The name
is the acronym for Decide As Late As Possible, from lean programming.
Better fixtures for Clojure tests
JavaScript Library for slider input fields
Machine Learning library for Clojure built around Weka and friends
Cookie Consent by Insites
Fela is a fast and modular library to handle styling in JavaScript.
Flower is a library for integration with task trackers, repositories, messaging systems and more
Boot task to automatically fix Clojure(Script) syntax formatting with cljfmt
Utilities and common tasks for generative artwork
Buffer and Batch operations, by time or buffer size.
site for illustrating the value of Parinfer
ronda RouteDescriptor-based schema validation.
This is a Lein template for spinning up fullstack ClojureScript applications on Zeit's Now 2.0 offering.
Keechma Framework template
A clojurescript library to ease the pain of forms in re-frame
An easy full stack framework for clojure
Some of the tools you'll ever need to fight crime and write Clojure stuffs
Clojure wrapper for google maps web api including signing for premier
A redaction transformer for cartus.
Clojure(script) library for streams and concurrency