Search for 'clojure'

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Total results: 7765, showing 1897 - 1920

  • A simple library to read and write CSV files.

  • Enables writing events from Clojure in Tensorflow format

  • A Clojure library designed to manipulate sparse *arrays* - multi-dimensional spaces accessed by indices, but containing arbitrary values rather than just numbers. For sparse spaces which contain numbers only, you're better to use a *sparse matrix* library, for example [clojure.core.matrix](

  • Clojure Parser Library

  • Mustache in Clojure (with blocks!)

  • A Clojure façade for Coda Hale's metrics library.
  • clj-fl 0.1.1

    Frame Language in Clojure
  • johncowie/enviable 0.2.1-SNAPSHOT

    A user-friendly and composable way of configuring clojure apps

  • A bakery simulator for the Introduction to Clojure Videos from LispCast

  • Clojure useful utils

  • clojure irc client based on pircbotx, originally forked from clj-irc
  • misaki

    Jekyll inspired static site generator in Clojure

  • A fast library for accessing JDBC in Clojure
  • dev.gethop/ 0.1.0-alpha-9

    A Clojure library designed to provide role-based access control (RBAC)
  • ring-rack 0.0.13-SNAPSHOT

    Clojure Ring handler implementation of Ruby's Rack webapp spec. Wrap Ruby on Rails in Clojure!
  • ccw/clojure-maven-plugin 1.3.24-SNAPSHOT

    Maven plugin for compiling clojure source files

  • Clojure side of a refactoring tool

  • gravatar api wrapper for clojure
  • beats-clj 0.9.5

    A Clojure library to interact with the Beats Music API.
  • zmaril/archimedes 1.0.0-alpha3-SNAPSHOT

    Clojure wrapper for Tinkerpop Blueprints

  • Ensures all functions with Typed Clojure annotations are dynamically enforced by types-to-schema wrappers during lein test.
  • clj-emr 0.1.10

    Clojure library to control Amazon Elastic MapReduce

  • A Jetty ring adapter for enterprise Clojure development.
  • geex 0.11.0

    Generative Expressions (Geex) is a code generation tool for writing high-level Clojure code that generates fast low-level code.