Search for 'clojure'

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org.clojure artifacts are distributed via Maven Central instead of Clojars.

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Total results: 7766, showing 2017 - 2040

Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.

  • A port of the Scmutils computer algebra/mechanics system to Clojure

  • Leiningen Release Plugin
  • corenlp 3.6.2

    Clojure wrapper for the Stanford CoreNLP tools.

  • Extensions to the Clojure threading macros to help with manipulating nested data structures
  • conjure 0.8.4

    Self extracting jar file for Conjure. Conjure is a full stack web framework written entirely in Clojure.
  • clowg 0.1.9

    A Clojure library for generating Clojure wrappers around Java

  • Clojure wrappers for a Java port of t-SNE is is Copyright (c) Leif Jonsson 2014. The original Python implementation is Copyright (c) Laurens van der Maaten on 20-12-08, Tilburg University. All rights reserved.
  • dance 0.2.0-Tom

    Advanced tree walking in Clojure

  • Idiomatic object pools in Clojure.
  • clj-toml 0.3.1

    TOML for Clojure

  • Protobuf to clojure transformations
  • clj-spy 0.10.0

    Spy - a Clojure and ClojureScript library for stubs, spies and mocks

  • Clojure interface for the youtube API

  • A Clojure library designed for parsing AWS Lambda S3 events

  • Rate limiter for clojure that supports a rolling window, either in-memory or backed by redis

  • Clojure wrapper for the Trello API

  • TRACKit! A Clojure developer friendly wrapper for Yammer's Metrics library.

  • Asynchronous HTTP Client for Clojure
  • sqleton 0.1.0-alpha1

    SQL tools for Clojure.

  • A Clojure web application template oasis for the weary full-stack wanderer

  • A Clojure library for loading gcloud credentials from an environment variable instead of a .json file.

  • diff and patch implementations for clojure data structures

  • Simple configuration for Clojure apps
  • muse 0.4.3-alpha3

    A Clojure library that simplifies access to remote data (db, cache, http services)
    This artifact may shadow a release on Maven Central. You should search there for a canonical release.