Search for 'group-id:com.cemerick'
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Total results: 20, showing 1 - 20
Makes working with URLs in Clojure a little more pleasant.
HTTP transport support for Clojure's nREPL implemented as a Ring handler.
Port of clojure.test targeting ClojureScript.
This artifact may shadow a release on Maven Central. You should
search there for a canonical release.
Authentication and authorization library for Ring Clojure web apps and services.
The ClojureScript browser-repl, rebuilt stronger, faster, easier.
This artifact may shadow a release on Maven Central. You should
search there for a canonical release.
Adding support for running ClojureScript REPLs over nREPL.
This artifact may shadow a release on Maven Central. You should
search there for a canonical release.
Functional validation library for Clojure and ClojureScript, forked from
portable pseudo-random number generators for Clojure/ClojureScript
A QuickCheck inspired property-based testing library.
A Ring- (and Compojure-) friendly server-side alternative to
Experimental support for defining CouchDB views in ClojureScript via Clutch.
Ring gzip encoding middleware
A Clojure HTTP library wrapping the Apache HttpComponents client.
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