All projects
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Displaying projects 701 - 720 of 31519
assertions for clojure.test
redwoolf 2017-05-29 | A thin wrapper around AssertJ.
fhofherr 2014-06-07 | Small library to test JSON objects
manuelp 2013-04-24 | a library to minify CSS and Js sources
yogthos 2019-03-05 | a library to minify CSS and Js sources
serce 2015-11-26 | Pathfinding using A* algorithm
arttuka 2016-05-02 | Verifies equality between two data structures with unique elements (eg: gensym)
pancia 2016-03-08 | Google Cloud data store client
mdaley 2017-03-08 | No description given
pancia 2016-05-10 | The smart reformatter for Clojure
zh217 2014-09-28 | Library functions based on the book Astronomical Algorithms
mattexx 2018-03-27 | FIXME: write description
exupero 2018-07-01 | AMQP Asyncronous Library
ciniglio 2014-06-11 | A Clojure(Script) library built on top of core.async providing macros to chain sync/async expressions.
pepzer 2017-10-22 | A tcp/ip server/client implementations for Clojure with core.async
t_yano 2020-04-16 | Transparent, modular error handling for clojure async
wyegelwel 2014-09-28 | Event Loop library for Clojure
divs1210 2018-10-09 |