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Total results: 4743, showing 25 - 48

  • midje 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT

    A TDD library for Clojure that supports top-down ('mockish') TDD, encourages readable tests, provides a smooth migration path from clojure.test, balances abstraction and concreteness, and strives for graciousness.
  • aero 1.1.6

    A small library for explicit, intentful configuration.
  • pandect 1.0.2

    Message Digest and Checksum Library for Clojure
  • lein-ancient 1.0.0-RC4-SNAPSHOT

    Check your Projects for outdated Dependencies.

  • Comment-/Whitespace-preserving rewriting of EDN documents.
  • reagent 1.3.0

    A simple ClojureScript interface to React
  • json-html 0.4.7

    Provide JSON and get a DOM node with a human representation of that JSON

  • A library for creating mock Ring request maps

  • Clojure wrapper for Java 8 Time API

  • JVM reflection support for SCI
  • re-frame 1.4.4-SNAPSHOT

    A ClojureScript MVC-like Framework For Writing SPAs Using Reagent.
  • cljsjs/react 18.3.1-1

    A Javascript library for building user interfaces

  • A Javascript library for building user interfaces

  • A collection of Chrome, Edge and Firefox DevTools enhancements for ClojureScript developers.

  • Clojure support for Internet email
  • aleph 0.8.3

    A framework for asynchronous communication

  • React-dom-server package is now deprecated, the server file is included in react-dom package.

  • A lightweight Clojure implementation of the MessagePack spec.
  • integrant 0.13.1

    Micro-framework for data-driven architecture

  • EDN Query Language support library
  • bidi 2.1.6

    Bidirectional URI routing
  • cljsjs/moment 2.29.4-0

    A javascript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates.

  • A Clojure façade for Coda Hale's metrics library.

  • A Clojure library designed to provide a collection of helper functions to support Clojure(script) graph parsers using graph syntax.