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Total results: 4750, showing 2017 - 2040
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
A data source check function for salutem.
Conceptual is a fast JVM based in-memory concept database that can be used as a feature store, graph database, and more.
Apache Hadoop Hive GenericUDF wrapper around uap-clj
A buffer for large data volumes backed by a file.
A Crux database driver for Fulcro RAD.
Accessing clojure classpath data and system files.
openstack client for clojure
Fake data generation for Clojure(script).
A polyfill for Web Animations
Phaser is a fast, free, and fun open source framework for Canvas and WebGL powered browser games.
BigFraction is an arbitrary precision version of Fraction,
a rational number library written in JavaScript.
A tiny set of web utilities on top of Ring
A library to enable observability in applications
A simple, order agnostic Clojure(Script) router
Support functions for other logicblocks components.
Framework for writing Crossref Event Data agents.
re-frame fx & cofx handlers for the skygear BaaS
Test coverage for Eftest Clojure test runner using Cloverage.
Google flags/gflags for clojure.
Thumbnail generator library for Clojure
Leiningen template for web apps based on 7theta libraries