Search for 'clojure'

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org.clojure artifacts are distributed via Maven Central instead of Clojars.

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Total results: 7766, showing 2305 - 2328

Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.

  • html parser for clojure
  • rete 5.3.1-SNAPSHOT

    Clojure RETE implementation for frames

  • A API client written in Clojure.
  • org.clojars.daslu/portal 0.51.1-temporary-2b2a18e

    Temporary build - A clojure tool to navigate through your data.

  • RFC 6979's deterministic DSA/ECDSA signature scheme in Clojure for arbitrary elliptic curves.
  • clj-commons/spinner 0.7.0-SNAPSHOT

    Simple text spinner for command line Clojure apps.

  • Clojure wrapper for kuromoji

  • Development library for Gaeshi, a Clojure framework for Google App Engine apps.

  • Generate Clojure docs for docsify
  • hbase 0.1.6

    HBase Access in Clojure

  • SDK for building echo apps in Clojure.

  • An idiomatic Clojure driver for Sophia DB. Sophia is RAM-Disk hybrid storage designed to provide best possible on-disk performance without degradation in time.
  • com.kepler16/kaven 1.0.0-alpha.1

    A Clojure api for interacting with Maven respositories

  • A clojure library designed to communicate with redsys payment gateway

  • Open Korean Text Processor wrapper for Clojure
  • google-maps 0.5.1-SNAPSHOT

    Google Maps Clojure Library
  • sputnik 0.5.4

    Sputnik is a Clojure library for parallelization of computations to distributed computation nodes. Sputnik does not only handle the distribution and execution of tasks but also the configuration and deployment of the server and the workers.

  • Clojure DynamoDB client with or without Transaction layer

  • A Clojure fa�ade for Coda Hale's metrics library.

  • Clojure interface to the awt systemtray interface.
  • easy-rpc 0.8.0

    Clojure rpc with one line of code

  • A clojure formatter written in Clojure

  • The next generation of a new low-level Clojure wrapper for JDBC-based access to databases.
  • kormas 0.1.1

    Utility functions for Korma (A Clojure Library for Tasty SQL)